Erlab.CMS.IngestProcess.exe application is blocked from Mcafee ATP(Adaptive Threat Protection). We allowed both Mcafee ATP and the app’s md5 hash from TIE Reputations. But again Mcafee ATP is hindering. The details of the error are as follows.
Allowing the App from Mcafee TIE Reputations
Allowing the “Erlab.CMS.IngestProcess.exe” application from TIE Reputations can be seen in the image below.
Allowing App from Mcafee( ATPAdaptive Threat Protection)
Allowing the md5 hash of the “Erlab.CMS.IngestProcess.exe” application from Mcafee ATP(Adaptive Threat Protection) is as follows.
Error Resolution
After allowing “Erlab.CMS.IngestProcess.exe” from Mcafee ATP (Adaptive Threat Protection) and TIE Reputations, then allowing paths “Threat Source Process Name” and “Source File Path” from Mcafee ATP, the blocking was removed. You can see these permissions as follows.