8th September 2024

New Tenable Security Center Security Vulnerability – CVE-2021-20076

A high-security vulnerability has been published by Tenable with a CVSS 3.1 Score of 8.8. This vulnerability is a potentially high-risk security vulnerability that could lead to increased privilege to the Tenable.sc interface.



Affected Systems

The disclosed vulnerability affects the following products and versions in the Tenable.sc product family.

  • Tenable.sc versions between 5.13.0 and 5.17.0

Solution and CVE / CWE

Tenable recommends installing the patch below to avoid these vulnerabilities.

  • Tenable.sc Patch SC-202102.1-5.x.tgz Patch


Solution and CVE / CWE
Solution and CVE / CWE


Note: Those with a CVSS 3.1 score of 7.0-8.9 out of 10 are considered “high”, and those with 9.0-10.0 are considered “critical” vulnerabilities.





LEARN MORE  Apache Log4j Vulnerability - CVE-2021-44228

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