7th September 2024

How to Configure pfSense Web Interface Settings?

How to Install Firewall Pfsense on Vmware?” After installing Pfsense in our article, we connect to the pfSense interface via the Web with “″. The pfSense default username and password information are as follows.

Username: admin
Password: pfsense
pfSense interface
pfSense interface


Welcome to pfSense® software!” Click the “Next” button on the screen.

Welcome to pfSense® software!
Welcome to pfSense® software!


The “Netgate® Global Support is available 24/7” page provides brief information about Pfsense. On this screen, we continue by clicking the “Next” button.

Netgate® Global Support is available 24/7
Netgate® Global Support is available 24/7


You can enter a name in the “Hostname” section on the “General Information” page. You can enter the domain name in the “Doman” section. We enter google’s dns in the “Primary DNS Server” and “Secondary DNS Server” sections. If you want, you can also enter your internet provider’s dns. We mark the “Override DNS” tab. Then continue by clicking the “Next” button.

General Information
General Information


You can use the free pfsense page in the “Time server hostname” section of the “Time Server Information” page. You can change the “Timezone” part according to your location. Then click the “Next” button to continue.

Time server hostname
Time server hostname


If you have your own settings on the “Configure WAN Interface” page, you can change them. We continue without changing it by clicking the “Next” button.

Configure WAN Interface
Configure WAN Interface





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