McAfee Antivirus Adaptive Threat Protection module provides protection against advanced threats. There are 184 rules in McAfee Adaptive Threat Protection. It is stuck in the “Executing any child process” -> DAC (Dynamic Application Containment)” rule. McAfee Adaptive Threat Protection (ATP) uses an application’s reputation (Unkown, known trusted, known malicious) to determine if Dynamic Application Containment (DAC) is running the application with restrictions. For example, the McAfee Adaptive Threat Protection module’s “Beep Meet.exe” blocking image is as follows.

Dynamic Application Containment blocks or logs unsafe actions of the application based on the restriction rules. Exclusion writing for the relevant blocking is written from the “Exclusions” pane in the “Policy Catalog -> Endpoint Security Adaptive Threat Protection: Policy Category -> Dynamic Application Containment” policy. The image of the McAfee Adaptive Threat Protection module blocking the Bip Meet.exe application is as follows.